Meet Our visiting negotiation Experts!

At The Forest School, we regularly invite experts into our Studios not only to share about the meaningful work they’re doing, but also so that they can give our heroes feedback on their work. Through this process, our heroes increasingly learn…..

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Tyler Thigpen
What Can Be Gained From Reflection? - Year 4, Week 5

Week 5 and that’s a wrap on session 1 for 2021 and what a fantastic session it’s been! Our learners worked hard this week to finalize their exhibitions and had a wonderful time sharing their work with you! Post exhibition, each Studio had a day of reflection asking questions like “What went well? What would I do differently? What did I learn?”

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Tyler Thigpen
Meet our Visiting quest Experts!

At The Forest School, we regularly invite experts into our Studios not only to share about the meaningful work they’re doing, but also so that they can give our heroes feedback on their work. Through this process, our heroes increasingly learn…..

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Tyler Thigpen