What Can Be Gained From Reflection? - Year 4, Week 5


Week 5 and that’s a wrap on session 1 for 2021 and what a fantastic session it’s been! Our learners worked hard this week to finalize their exhibitions and had a wonderful time sharing their work with you! Post Exhibition, each Studio had a day of reflection asking questions like “What went well? What would I do differently? What did I learn?”

spark studio

“Peace begins with a smile” - Mother Teresa

We are having the best time whilst at school. During reflection time the question came up: When you are at school, does it feel like you are with friends, family or something else? It was unanimous that we feel like family. What a way to end Session 1.

It was great hosting everyone on our Journey & Discovery Quest. Thank you for your support and trust.

In Session 2 we will dive into our imaginations and discover Puppetry Arts. I wonder what the heroes will create through the process? It’s definitely going to be entertaining!

Have a safe and restful week.

elementary studio

Nobody can go back and start all over again. But anyone can start today and make a new beginning. Instead of another closure, make a new future.” ― Ana Claudia Antunes

Our first session of the 2021-2022 school year is in the books! This session has been all about learning yourself, by recognizing our own hero’s journey, building the culture of the studio, and learning the how and why behind the Forest School way. This week, heroes reflected over this session by completing 360 reviews which gave them a chance to thoughtfully and deeply reflect on their connection to heroes in the studio based on Forest School principles: Trust, Empathy, Collaboration, and Cross-Cultural Competency. Through these surveys, heroes were able to think about the studio health as a whole as well as reflect on how their fellow heroes view them as studio mates.

We also did self reflections that allowed learners to think about who they are, what goals they want to accomplish in our next session, and ways that we can support them. These questions are more than just academic, but give the heroes the opportunity to think about the emotional and social aspects of themselves.

Finally, heroes dove into the most exciting feedback from the exhibition. This session we focused on passion projects and heroes were able to see the feedback from experts as well as that from exhibition guests. Through this robust reflection, heroes are able to leave this session knowing what worked well, what didn’t work, and what they can do to make the next session even better. As new heroes join and begin to get into the swing of things, returning heroes are stepping up to help them along the way.

Next session starts our new beginning. Enjoy your break!

middle school studio

Session 1 is in the books!

We wrapped up our Medical Quest with a live clinic showcase. Learners worked in medical teams to diagnose patients (as graciously played by volunteer parents) while expert doctors observed and offered feedback. The whole purpose of this quest was to study biology via an exploration of human body systems — while developing the skills to solve complex problems and collaborate as a team.

The heart of the first weeks of school is to develop a sense of community. A large part of our work is to, together, cultivate a space where everyone feels like they belong. This is a hard task at any stage of life but is especially challenging in the middle school years. It's been inspiring to watch the learners work toward this goal and learn from their missteps along the way. These conversations bring us back time and time again to our questions of the year: "Why be good? Why do good?" I'm not sure if there are more important questions to deeply reflect on than those.

We're excited to rest, take a much earned break, and jump back in for Session 2!

high school studio

What a way to end session one! Last night we wrapped up the final next great adventure quest and the heroes pitched their future plans to experts and their families! In preparation, heroes completed three New Havens, receiving different versions of feedback from multiple experts ranging from engineers, coders, entrepreneurs, business owners, etc. What a sight to see and humbling experience as heroes prepare for the future knowing that it may change, but thinking through the entire experience.

In a jam-packed week, heroes completed their first group practical day, debated the topic of Afghanistan and the Taliban, thinking through what the best course forward looks like for them and the United States of America, wrapped up their photo photography badge as they learned how to tell a story through pictures. Heroes finished the week completing their first round of hero badge approvals. This is no easy task and quite a difficult one I might add, but heroes mustered through, learning about expectations for themselves and their peers…. I.e “”what they may do differently next session. In addition to that, heroes gave each other feedback as well as their guide so that the studio continues to improve overall.

As we wrap up session 1 and look forward to session 2, there’s a lot to be learned and we will continue to learn in progress as a studio. I can’t wait to see what the next session brings.

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Tyler Thigpen