Customizable Learning

badge plans

Learning shouldn’t be one-size-fits-all! We believe that every person has a calling that they can use to change the world. Part of our mission is to help learners find and develop their calling, whatever that may be. To help each learner take charge of their learning and learn about the things that they are passionate about, we use individualized Badge Plans.

Each Badge Plan contains “badges” that a learner completes to advance to the next Studio (Middle or High School). All badges are flexible and can be customized to fit each learner’s preferences and needs based on their goals. Working as thought partners, the Guide and family support the learner as they choose the right badges, courses, and extracurriculars to achieve their goals. The learner sets goals and works to achieve them at their own pace with regular progress check-ins with their Guides and Studio-mates.


Badge Plan customization

Each Badge Plan looks different. Take a look at the differences between two Middle School Badge Plans, based on interest:

Learner 1: 8th Grade Coding Genius

  • Math: Algebra I

  • Elective: Python Coding Course

  • Deep Books: How to Start a Coding Side Hustle, The History of Coding

  • Apprenticeship: intern with website developer mentor

  • Quests: 5 Forest School Quest badges, 1 CC++ Coding Course

Learner 2: 8th Grade Art Extraordinaire

  • Math: Pre-Algebra

  • Elective: local weekly art class

  • Deep Books: Selling Art Online: A How to Guide, Art Therapy

  • Apprenticeship: intern with an elementary art school teacher

  • Civilization: 5 Forest School Civilization badges, 1 Art History course