daily schedules
The daily schedule leverages the power of an online community while encouraging a healthy balance of hands-on activities and screen time. A growing, global community of learners log on together to start their day in the Studio. This is a time of activation and relationship building. Learners warm up with a Socratic launch, where they discuss and debate a wide range of topics. Then, they meet with their Running Partners, or accountability buddies, to go over their daily goals and action plans for their self directed learning that day.
Learners meet synchronously one more time each day for their signature learning experience (SLE). SLEs position learners to incorporate and apply their skills across multiple content areas in real-world or project-based challenges. The beautiful works that they create during their SLEs become part of their Studio portfolios. Learners work both independently and collaboratively to complete challenges during SLE time, and come back together at the end of their work time to share what they’ve created, and get feedback from other learners and the Guide.
Time before and after the synchronous meetings times can be used as self-directed time for working on their e-learning platforms, reading Deep Books, or logging hours with their mentor at their Apprenticeship. Learners set their own goals for how they want to manage this time each day. Learners spend approximately six hours a week, on average, working on badges outside of synchronous Studio time.