Online Studios
The Forest School Online utilizes online spaces where learners meet in mixed-age classrooms called Studios.
Studios meet on Zoom synchronously each day to collaborate on challenges given during our Signature Learning Experiences. Learners give and receive real time feedback, are mentored by fellow learners, Guides, and industry experts, strengthening bonds between learners and building social capital. Between synchronous meetups, learners and Guides use Slack as our school platform for ongoing communication and collaboration. The remainder of the day is spend engaged in independent learning, including Deep Books, Apprenticeships, and online courses.
The Studio environment is designed to be learner-led. Guides facilitate each synchronous experience with socratic discussions and real-world challenges with the help of visiting experts. Each Studio runs as a democracy in which learners establish their own norms in a Studio Contract each year. Learners and Guides hold each other accountable to their contract through ongoing and real time feedback.
For families that travel extensively, we operate Studios in two time zones: Transatlantic (Eastern Time) and Asia-Oceania (Indochina Time). Learners may attend one Studio regularly, or move between Studios as needed based on their travels.
Read more about each Studio below to find the best fit for your family.
(5th-8th grade)
The Middle School Studio is for learners in grade levels 5-8 (ages 10-13). The Middle School Studio is a safe space for learners to develop the skills of independence, collaboration, trust, cross-cultural competence, and growth mindset. Learners begin exploring their purpose through exposure to a diverse range of topics, apprenticing with a mentor in various industries, and trying out real work in project-based learning experiences. Middle School learners transition to High School prepared to tackle more problem-solving, goal setting, and independence, all through intentional and authentic personalized learning.
*This Studio operates in Eastern Time (USA), with learners based in North America, South America, Europe, and Africa.
(9th-12th grade)
The High School Studio is for learners in grades 9-12 (ages 14-18). The High School Studio is a space for learners to prepare for their “Next great adventure”, whether that be college, career, military, internships, entrepreneurship, or a gap year. Learners design and take their own courses - perfectly suited to their interest and goals, build portfolios that demonstrate a diverse and well-rounded set of skills and aptitudes, as well as continuing or beginning new Apprenticeships. This is the time when learners refine their skills, strive for excellence, and persevere through challenges as they pursue their goals. High School learners graduate ready to change the world with their unique calling.
*This Studio operates in Eastern Time (USA), with learners based in North America, South America, Europe, and Africa.
(5th-9th grade)
The combined Middle-High Studio (MSHS) is for learners in grade levels 5-12 (ages 10-18). The MSHS Studio follows the same great model and approaches from our Transatlantic Studios, but operates in a time zone appropriate for learners in Asia, Australia, and the Pacific/Oceania region (Hawaii). Learners based in the western hemisphere who are traveling extensively may switch to our Asia-Oceania Studio during periods of travel. Learners based in the western hemisphere that prefer a night time schedule are also welcome to join this Studio.
*This Studio operates in Indochina time (UTC+07.00), with learners based in or traveling to Asia and the Pacific.