How Do We Hold Each Other Accountable? - Year 4, Week 6


A big first week back! Our Heroes receive expert advice to help finalize their contract of promises, new Quests begin and preparation for exhibition is already underway!

spark studio

“Don’t ever promise more than you can deliver, but always deliver more than you promise.” - Lou Holtz

Mayor Ed Johnson and Dr. Morales joined the Studio this week to give us feedback on our Contract of Promises. Our discussion was eye opening and we learned the importance of being great leaders and taking pride in ourselves and our school community. We are in the final phase of completing our Contract of Promises and we are excited for the upcoming signing ceremony on October 4.

This week we had fun learning about germs and how they travel. We experimented with hand sanitizer and glitter to see the germs up close. The experiment, according to the children, was filled with a “wow” factor. Needless to say, we are washing our hands a lot.

Spread love not germs!

elementary studio

"Most young people find botany a dull study. So it is, as taught from the text-books in the schools; but study it yourself in the fields and woods, and you will find it a source of perennial delight." -John Burroughs

Have you ever ridden down the expressway and noticed the weeds that have taken over the trees? Kudzu! Better known as the vine that ate the South, has engulfed many public areas and is a constant threat to our native species. This session Elementary heroes are diving into Botany and learning about invasive species. We are taking a deep dive into the scientific method to first learn more about parts of plants, plant life cycles, and native plants. We are exploring how invasive species come to our communities, takeover and destroy, and ways to mitigate these unwanted pests.

Heroes are working with a group called "Rouge Dogs" that helps to detect (sniff out) these species, and heroes will ultimately present to the Fayetteville community ways to keep our city safe from the invasive plants and what we can do when we see them. Heroes will work in groups to write and film a Public Service Announcement to present their research to the community. Our Elementary Scientists are ready for the hunt!

middle school studio

Happy Friday!!! 

Session 2 has begun, and the Middle School Studio is in full swing! After a much-deserved break, our heroes began a new Quest that began with researching and understanding biomimicry and its impact on modern inventions and architecture. The heroes also spent time grappling with the concept of binary tension as they recorded, presented, and revised 30 second short films around the notion of “something lost then found."

In Civilization, the learners were introduced to Mesopotamia and the Code of Hammurabi where they were challenged to consider the laws, distribution/use of resources, and organization of ancient civilizations. We also had the opportunity to present our Studio Contract to Dr. Tokea Morales and Mayor Ed Johnson, and we received feedback and tips on how to practice self-governance within the Studio. To ensure that the Studio remains a safe, productive space, our recently elected council will soon begin facilitating weekly town hall meetings!

high school studio

“Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist when you are grown up.” -Pablo Picasso

After a vibrant and long session, heroes were able to dissect their 360 reviews and receive peer feedback from their first session. Some good, some constructive, but overall a learning experience for each year on the Studio. Ask your hero about their 360 feedback results!

Our new Innovation Works Quest is all about bringing out one’s creativity through passions, gifts, and talents. This week we launched into the Quest where heroes navigated three art mediums: drawing, poetry, architecture. As the school year progresses we will be dissecting the following: how to properly cite information and presentation skills. Each week heroes will gain skills and experience on how to properly cite books, articles, and websites in addition to learning how to continually build their public speaking skills. 

For storytelling this session heroes will take on building short stories and on day one created the bone structure of their stories for the session. Heroes ended the week discussing the topic of GMO‘s (genetically modified organisms), debating the pros and cons and addressing the issue of what would happen with them versus without them and what GMO‘s mean for the future.

Looking into next week heroes will begin to create their masterpieces in which they will reveal at the Session’s Exhibition. Stay tuned!


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Tyler Thigpen