Why Be Good? Why Do Good? - Year 4, Week 1

Welcome to The Forest School - Year 4!

We’re so excited to begin a whole new journey with new and returning faces alike! Learners spent their week getting to know themselves and each other, focusing on teambuilding, motivation and the “why” behind what we do.

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Tyler Thigpen
Announcing Our Elementary Guides for Next Year!

Can you imagine a world where heroes have three awesome Guides to help facilitate their learning? We have grown by leaps and bounds, and in expanding, we are finding that sweet spot that allows heroes to take ownership of their learning, receive great encouragement from Guides, and feel empowered to be their best selves. This is what Elementary at The Forest School looks like!

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Tyler Thigpen
How Do We Learn Empathy? - Year 3, Week 31

This week our Spark learners enjoy nature and the outdoors on Earth Day while our Middle School studio begins work on their own ‘Pilot’ tv show episode! Meanwhile Our Highschool Studio deep dives into different areas of Psychology and learning more about themselves and others.

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Tyler Thigpen