How Can You Find A Calling That Will Change The World? - Year 3, Week 36


The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. - Eleanor Roosevelt

As we approach the last few days of school our learners still have very full schedules! More field trips approaching and many celebrations of achievement. Our learners continue to amaze us with their growth and insight.

spark studio

This week has been filled with work, play, accomplishments and fun! IOWA testing is complete! Woohoo!

Our field trip to Camp Southern Ground was, according to some learners, “the best day of my life”. Many thanks to Zac Brown and the superb staff at Camp Southern Ground. It was a trip to remember!

We hope everyone enjoyed our final Exhibition of the school year. It appears as though “Bugapalooza” sparked some interest in entomology and herpetology. Watching from a guide’s view was simply magical.

The end of a school year tends to bring upon many feelings. We are focusing on reflection. When we use self-reflection to learn and grow, it can transform the school’s entire climate for the better. Here are just a few things that we are thinking about:

• Which lessons were most effective? Which lessons were least effective? Why?
• What were some class challenges this year and how did we handle them?
• How would you describe your relationship with other learners and guides this year?
• What do you want to change for next year?
• What are your goals for the next school year?
• What is something we did this year that you think you will remember for the rest of your life?
• What is something you accomplished this year that you are proud of?
• What was the nicest thing someone in our class did for you this year?
• What was the most challenging part of this year for you?
• What was your favorite Quest?

So many things to think about as we continue to grow.
Growth is often uncomfortable, messy, and full of feelings you weren’t expecting, but it’s necessary. - unknown
Thank you for your love and support as we continue to build the tribe. May your summer be filled with peace, joy and plenty of rest.

elementary studio

Great is the art of beginning, but greater is the art of ending. – Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

This week was a busy one. Heroes kicked into final gear to reach the finish line. We had Iowa testing Wednesday - Friday and will have a make-up day on Tuesday.

On Wednesday, heroes had the opportunity to off show all of their Physics knowledge during our final exhibition at Fun Spot. Their presentations were great and the winners received day passes and souvenirs from Fun Spot. Congratulations to Team Annihilator (Anika, Macy, Sam, Melody, and Brooks) for winning 1st place. The Fun Spot judges were impressed with all of the learners' hard work, and commented that they wished they learned about physics in the same way we do! Our heroes' ideas will get sprinkled in for the remaining 100 acres that Fun Spot will develop in the coming years.

As we move into the final week of the session, we will continue to grow our studio health with team building activities and our final circle of the year. We will also celebrate all of our accomplishments at our final badge ceremony on Tuesday. On Wednesday, heroes will have the opportunity to see physics used in their bodies as we take an end of year trip to Get Air. We’ve had a busy last few weeks and plan to make the final week one for the books!

middle school studio

If you can see your path laid out in front of you step by step, you know it’s not your path. Your own path you make with every step you take. That’s why it’s your path. - Joseph Campbell

Our mission is that everyone who enters our doors will find a calling that will change the world. Apprenticeships provide learners an opportunity to try on a variety of "callings," 40 hours at a time. Each experience is cyclical — learners seek out apprenticeship opportunities based on their current interests, their apprenticeship experience informs and re-shapes their interests, and then they try something else next year. By the time a learner graduates from The Forest School, they would have encountered around 20 diverse apprenticeship experiences.

In that way, learning at The Forest School truly is a hero's journey. The path before each of us is unknown. We can have hopes, dreams, and plans. But the path only becomes real by taking the next step. Along the way, we will falter, misstep, change directions altogether. We are made who we are by the journey we take, and the person we're becoming determines the steps we take next. These cycles are built into The Forest School, as we move forward a day, week, and session at a time, then pause and reflect on who we are now and who we are becoming before we rest, gather energy, and begin the journey anew.

And so, as the school year comes to a close, we look back and reflect on the wins and setbacks of the past, but we also have an eye toward the future, steeling ourselves for what comes next.

high school studio

What a week!! With graduation in the rearview mirror, Heroes chugged ahead. This week as a school, learners completed Iowa testing in an unanticipated two days. Make up testing for anyone who missed will be Tuesday, June 1st.

In the afternoons, the high school had a fun filled week! They chose to use one of their movies to watch Ringo, went to Trilith to play Capture The Flag, and enjoyed a full afternoon at the pool.

This year has been full of ups and downs, gratefully more ups than downs! To look back, the Studio started with 12 heroes and quickly expanded to 22. This studio tackled major quests, Civ, and storytelling topics this year. A few highlights were psychology, golf cart, if my eyes could take pictures: film in photography quest. For Civ, in addition to history and current crisis in the fight between Israel versus Palestine, transgender athletes, juveniles being tried as adults, Christianity versus evolution, hate crimes vs. religion.

It never ceases to amaze me how our learners continue to expand their learning. What a year this has been! In the great worlds of Eleanor Roosevelt, "the future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."
As summer approaches, always remember to pursue your dreams no matter what! Congratulations on an amazing school year.


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Tyler Thigpen