What Does It Mean To Finish Strong? - Year 3, Week 34


The race to the end of the school year is on! This week was filled with planning field trip fun and discussions on what it means to finish strong. Stay tuned for some very important upcoming dates for parents and learners alike!

spark studio

As our school year comes to an end, we find ourselves reflecting upon the learning that has been going on as well as the health of our Studio. Have we accomplished our goals? Are we going through life treating others how we want to be treated? Are we happy?

According to research, the healthiest, happiest, most joyful people have:
• A sense of meaning or purpose bigger than oneself
• Healthy, positive connection with others
• Healthy, positive connection with themselves (mind, body, spirit)
• Healthy, positive connection with nature
• Experiences of flow states
• Experiences of beauty

The heroes had the chance to perform a song at Hannah Brothers Cafe. They practiced diligently and sounded fantastic! The song Unity was written by Debra Woodard, author of Iamit Bear.

One of our high schoolers, Sophia, is doing her apprenticeship in the Studio. She is spending time observing, mentoring, and learning. She did a great launch about nutrition and cooking.

We are practicing counting money and knowing it’s worth. Are you a spender or a saver? The learners had a fun time at our school store deciding if they should purchase something or save it. Just a few learners decided they would save their money. They must be saving to sit at Miss Mela’s desk for a day.

Let’s take time to spread joy and continue learning to learn, do and be. Unity is what we need.

Important Dates:

  • May 18: PE Olympics

  • May 19: Expert Entomologist/Herpetologist visit

  • May 22: Graduation/End of Year Celebration

  • May 24, 26 & 28: IOWA Testing

  • (Grades 1&2)

  • May 25: Field Trip to Camp Southern Ground (leave @ 9:30 return @ 2:00) (pack a picnic lunch & water bottle)

  • May 27: Final Exhibition 8:30-9:15 @ Trilith Lake

  • May 31: Memorial Day (no school)

  • June 1: Make-up date for IOWA Testing

  • June 2: Last day in-person

  • June 3-4: Family challenges

  • June 5: IT’S SUMMERTIME!

elementary studio

Finishing strong is an everyday occurrence as there will never be a race, goal, day, quarter or year that does not come to an end. This means finishing strong is not an act…it’s a habit. — Gary Ryan Blair

It’s the last few seconds of the game. You have the ball in your hands, and as you dribble down the court, you realize winning the game is up to you. The shot clock ticks down, the crowd noise fades away. You are in the zone. 3, 2, 1... You sink the final shot to win the championship. This is the scenario that faces our heroes. With only a few weeks left in school and the final badge ceremony right around the corner, heroes have been given these final important dates:

  • May 18th - P.E. Olympics

  • May 20th - Physics Expert Visit

  • May 22nd - Graduation / End of Year Celebration

  • May 26th - Final Exhibition

  • May 26th-28th -Iowa Testing

  • May 28th - FINAL BADGE WORK!!!

  • May 31st - Memorial Day (No School)

  • June 1st-2nd Last in-person days / Studio Fun Challenges

  • June 3rd - 4th - Family Challenges

During Testing days heroes will do testing in the mornings and have the opportunity to work on Core Skills in the afternoon. This is a great opportunity to talk to your heroes about how to finish the school year strong and help them to map out a path to success.

middle school studio

Quiet on the home front.

This week, MS learners have been out working apprenticeships. A few of the job opportunities they have or will be exploring: electrician, private pilot, fitness instructor, interior designer, beautician, real estate agent, event planner, vending machine stocker, baker, and video editor.

This is consistently the favorite time of year in the Studio, when learners get to put away the chromebooks and "try on" a vocation for a week. Some of them may get more interested in the jobs they try out, some will lose interest. The important thing is that every learner is getting real practice at answering the question: "What kind of work do I want to do in the world?"

high school studio

Someone once asked, what does a flourishing child look like? Here in the high school, a flourishing student looks like: completing 4 deep books, 4 apprenticeships, all concourses, starting a learner designed course, taking dual enrollment, finishing practicals for the mastery transcript, and much more...

This week we had four heroes complete their badge plans. At this school, that is an accomplishment to be celebrated!!

Disruptive education is a model built for a marathon, not a sprint. Over the past 2 1/2 weeks, learners have been taking on and adapting more to what it means to be a self-directed learner. This week, heroes broke down the health belief model, the trans theoretical model, the stages of grief, and post traumatic stress disorder. To wrap the week together, high schoolers were visited by Mandy Morris, licensed professional counselor, as she helped them dissect and work through all three of the theoretical models.

This week for storytelling, heroes worked in groups to approve all work for the session. For Civ, as a studio heroes unpacked the terms white privilege and white saviorism. They were challenge with the following tasks:

  • Create a podcast having the uncomfortable conversations most people don’t want to.

  • Build a Civilization that teaches the older generation to be allies.

  • Build a 21 day racial equity plan for teachers, educators, police and all front line workers.

  • Create a flyer offering alternative language that helps individuals become allies in the world.

Important dates moving forward:

  • May 22-Graduation

  • May 25- Final Badges due

  • May 26-28th-Iowa Testing 9am-12pm

  • May 27- Exhibition from 6:15 to 7:30 PM


  • June 2- Field Trip

  • June 3-4- Family Challenges


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Tyler Thigpen