Drop In to One of Our 3 Exhibition Sessions - completely learner-driven - on Sept 1st & 2nd - in person and online.


Join us Wednesday, September 1, 2021, from 4:50-7:25p.m. at The Forest School for our Elementary, Middle School, and High School Session 1 Exhibitions. Elementary Exhibition will be inside Hanna Brothers Cafe. Middle and High School Exhibitions will be at school.

On Thursday, September 2, 2021, from 8:30-9:15a.m. the Spark Studio will be hosting their Exhibition at school in the Spark Studio.

The Forest School Online Exhibition for Middle and High School will be taking place on Zoom from 7:00-8:00p.m ET.

The events will be completely learner-driven. You can learn more about our 100% learner-led Exhibitions by watching this video.


Over the last 5 weeks, our Spark learners have been on a journey of discovery. They have been learning to learn, learning to do, and learning to live together. This magical mission that they have been on values the human spirit and the development of the whole child-physical, social, emotional & cognitive. They are ready to display what they have discovered on 9/2 at 8:30-9:15a.m. at The Forest School.


The Forest School’s elementary learners will hit the stage of the Exhibition with their findings from their Forest Got Talent Quest. In this Quest, they have explored in-depth something they love - they are passionate about. They have researched, gotten their hands dirty, and felt a sense of accomplishment through demonstration of a new found skill to their peers. They are ready to present their learning journey to you! You can join them from 4:50-6:05p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 1.

Middle School

Our middle school learners have been researching human anatomy and the systems of the body. They have been role-playing as doctors, getting weekly practice into how to conduct a medical interview, triage patients, diagnose diseases, read medical scans, and propose treatments. On Wednesday, they will demonstrate these skills in a medical competition where learners will work in small teams to diagnose and treat patients. The team that accurately diagnoses the most illnesses and loses the fewest patients (morbid, I know) on the smallest budget wins!

You can visit the middle school Exhibition at The Forest School anytime between 5:30-6:45p.m. on Wednesday, Sept 1.

High School

Who doesn’t look forward to the “Next Great Adventure”?! At the beginning of this school year, the high school learners embarked on a “Next Great Adventure Quest” that was based off of encompassing challenges that test and prepare heroes for their next steps in young adulthood. With soul searching and deep diving into an industry of interest, they mapped out a 5-year plan all while learning to juggle life’s obstacles. Find out where these high schoolers are going in the next five years at their Exhibition on Wednesday, Sept 1, from 6:10-7:25p.m. at The Forest School.

Forest School Online

Our Online middle and high school learners have embarked on a Medical Quest learning how doctors diagnose a disease and decide on the best course of treatment. They have taken a deep dive into researching how much of medical practice is a hard science and how much of it is an art. They too will demonstrate their new skills to make diagnosis and treat patients. Email maxwell@theforest.school if interested in joining.

You can visit the Online Exhibition between 7:00-8:00p.m. (9/1/21) on Zoom.

We are thrilled that accomplished professionals will be judging this year’s Exhibitions. These experienced professionals will spend quality time with each of our learner groups to understand their perspectives, and ultimately share high quality feedback.

To learn more about our Exhibition and other visiting experts, check out our “Meet our 2021-22 Visiting Experts” blog here (coming soon!).

banner image via

Tyler Thigpen