Tuition Terms & Schedule

This page provides the terms of tuition, fees, & scholarships for the 2022-2023 school year, as agreed by The Forest Schools, Inc., and the parent or caregiver who is financially responsible for their learner(/s). Use this information to select the payment plan that is right for your family as part of the “Family-Owner Contract”.

Prorated tuition for the remainder of the 2022-2023 school year: 

Session 7 (beginning April 10th, 2023): $2,038.51 per child

Initial payment:

Families make an initial payment to confirm a learner’s enrollment in our school and to set up the method of payment for future invoices. The initial payment is non-refundable. The payment counts toward the total cost of tuition, and the amount of the initial payment depends on the payment plan a family selects (see “Tuition payment plans” below for details).

Tuition payment plans:

The Forest School Online offers three payment plans:

Plan A: Payment in Full

  • Payment Schedule: A one-time payment is billed. A $30 late fee is assessed if payment is not made by the deadline.

  • Processing Fee: Not applicable

Plan B: Monthly Payments

  • Payment Schedule: Tuition is split into two equal monthly payments in May and June of 2023. All monthly payments are billed on the 1st of the month. Payments are due no later than the 15th of every month. For all payments, a $30 late fee will be assessed after the 15th.

  • Processing Fee: Plan B is subject to a 4% processing fee per payment

Payment methods:

There are two options for payment:

  1. Direct deposit

  2. Credit card: this method is subject to an additional 3% credit card fee

Our bookkeeper will reach out from to set up the payment method the family selects. Families will receive all invoices from our bookkeeper.

Payment policies:

  • Late Payment Policy: For all payments, a $30 late fee will be assessed after the 15th of the month it is due. If a payment remains outstanding by the 1st of the following month, the learner may not be permitted to join the Studios until such payments are made, at the discretion of the school.

  • Bounced Payment Policy: A fee of $30 will be assessed for any payment that cannot be processed by our bookkeeper. Any subsequent bounced payments will result in the school only accepting cash, money orders, certified checks, or cashier's checks for payment.


The Forest School Online commits to providing financial assistance so that tuition is not a barrier for any family to enroll. Families of all income levels are encouraged to apply for an income-based scholarship award to reduce the total cost of tuition. Scholarship awards are determined based on a family’s ability to pay. To apply for a scholarship, email the Head of School at

Georgia Special Needs Scholarship (GSNS) for GA residents:

The Georgia Special Needs Scholarship (GSNS) Program is a school choice program available for special needs students attending Georgia public schools who are served under an Individualized Education Plan (IEP).  The Forest School was accepted into the program as a private school in June 2019. For the processing of tuition for GSNS students, parents should pay the full tuition amount to The Forest School. When The Forest School receives payments by the GaDOE (via the GSNS program), then The Forest School will deposit that amount in its accounts, and then reimburse (from the school’s account) the payments that were made. The Forest School will maintain documentation of verified checks sent via GSNS on behalf of qualifying students. While The Forest School maintains student records with GSNS quarterly, it is also the responsibility of families to ensure their student information (and all relevant applications) are up to date with GSNS.

Note: A private school participating in the GSNS Program is not required to follow a student’s IEP from a public school per O.C.G.A. § 20-2-2114(f) which states: Acceptance of scholarship must have the same effect as a parental refusal to consent to services pursuant to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, 20 U.S.C.A. Section 1400, et seq. The Forest School’s approach to learners with special needs can be seen here.

Families that wish to take advantage of the GSNS program should email Jason Foreman at Families that participate in GSNS recognize that their tuition payments will be reimbursed only after GSNS funds have been received by The Forest School.