We are thrilled to announce our judges for the Children's Business Fair this Saturday, December 1, 2018, at the Pinewood Forest Holiday Marketfest. These experienced entrepreneurs and social entrepreneurs will spend quality time with each of our kidpreneurs to understand their businesses, provide valuable feedback, and ultimately choose the top prizes for the business fair.
Read MoreWhich would you rather have—awesome skills, a fixed mindset, and a sub-par attitude OR a growth mindset, good attitude, and skills with room for improvement? When questioned about how he chooses players for his team, renowned head women’s basketball coach at UCONN said he would rather lose a game than play an athlete with poor sportsmanship.
Read MoreWhat if learners ages 6 through 15 were the best consultants? For the last month, Forest School learners worked on their first consulting project for a real-world client—Pinewood Forest—to help them reimagine and redesign their upcoming Spring Family Market.
Read MoreAnother week, another milestone. As the learners take on more and more leadership, the Guides continue to step back. We continue to hold up our end of the deal: to provide a safe learning environment; to hold up a mirror to Heroes on the state of the Studio; and to create engaging Quests, challenges, and launches that inspire Heroes to pursue excellence. But an important baton of leadership has been passed to the Heroes themselves. What does this next stage of self-governance look like?
Read MoreWe are excited to announce that The Forest School will be hosting another Children's Business Fair on December 1, 2018, from 12-4pm at Pinewood Forest.
Read MoreThis week, Heroes have been exploring language. What is it, exactly? Are language and communication the same thing? How does language shape the way we think and act? What happens when communication breaks down—when what we meant by our words is misheard, misinterpreted, or misunderstood? Is language unique to people, or does it exist elsewhere in nature?
Read MoreHow do you respond when intentionality dips? What measures should a community put in place to maximize productivity and relationships?
Read MoreWhat am I capable of? That's a question always on a hero's mind. Are they up to the challenge? Is the treasure worth it? What help might they need along the way? What happens if they fail?
Read MoreImagine this—Anthropologists from the future recreate the space and daily routines of The Forest School with a cultural exhibit. What was this space? What kind of school was it? What were the children like who studied here? From what kind of community did they come? What kind of culture did they create? Come see 9/27/18 from 4:45-6:15pm.
Read MoreThere’s a muscle at The Forest School that heroes are beginning to exercise—how to seek, accept, and apply feedback. Those are big concepts, yes, and learners are in the initial stages of understanding what these things mean to them.
Read MoreIt can be difficult making the transition from traditional teacher/school/working habits to the learner-driven environment at The Forest School. Particularly during Core Skills, heroes have struggled with taking charge of their own learning when the rubber hits the road. Once a new concept becomes “hard”, their first instinct has been to reach out for help.
Read MoreIf you don’t already know, we’re formally launching our high school next year—Fall 2019. We admitted one high schooler this year to help us design the high school. In fact, he may be reaching out to you (current and prospective parents) to interview you!
Read MoreDuring a launch this week, Heroes were reflecting on their Labor Day adventures when the conversation veered toward the culture they are building at The Forest School. One hero started us off. "My grandparents kept asking me about school, and I didn't know how to put everything in words." "Yeah!" another jumped in. "It's impossible to describe what we do here!" "Well," I said, "Try. If you could describe the school in one sentence, what would you say?"
Read MoreWhat a fun week! This week as a team we focused on one of our school's core design anchors—Enthusiastically Diverse and Relationship-Centered—and thought about how we could make this anchor evident in each of our learning experiences. We drew inspiration from Maya Angelou…
Read MoreWe care deeply about creating an inclusive environment and addressing in-group bias at The Forest School. Here’s how we are working towards that goal.
Read MoreThe Forest School team continues to grow with warm hearted and tough minded professionals who will guide our heroes. We're thrilled to introduce you to Ashley, Mary Faith, and Joan!
Read MoreWhat if school were more like real life? Today our elementary and middle school heroes welcomed three "external experts" into their Studios to give feedback on their first Quest called Design the Studio.
Read MoreWe are thrilled to share that we have reached an agreement with GoPerformance and Fitness in Peachtree City for their coach Louis Allen to guide Physical Education at The Forest School!
Read MoreWe are thrilled to announce that Amber Bryant will be Founding Apprentice Guide at The Forest School! As Apprentice Guide, Amber will play a crucial role in both elementary and middle school studios, guiding learners, leading Socratic discussions, designing Quests, establishing community partnerships, and more.
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