Is a Politician Made or Born? Year Three: Week 9 in Review


Incredible Exhibitions this session in our Making Of A Politician Quest!

spark studio

If you were running for President what would your slogan be?
“Vote for Harper She’ll Make You Sharper”
“Vote Team Devin For Pizza”
“It’s All About Gifts & Cookies, Vote Team Ora”
“I’m gonna take my class to the old town road, I'm gonna ride as your President. Vote Team Peyton”

It’s been an awesome learning experience this session as we embarked on the 'Building a Spark Politician' Quest. The creative process involves critical thinking and problem-solving skills. From writing speeches to creating campaign strategies, forming departments, debating, to creating ballots, ballot boxes, and campaign signs, the learners were able to fully emerge themselves into a creative state.

There is nothing more satisfying and fulfilling for children, than to be able to express themselves openly and without judgment. The ability to be creative, to create something from personal feelings and experiences, can reflect and nurture children's emotional health. Thank you for joining us at our Exhibition. Your Vote Counts!  It was a tight race: It’s TEAM PEYTON for the win!!  Team Ora came in a close second, and Team Harper & Team Devin tied. Congratulations to our learners for their hard work and commitment to one another.

elementary studio

“A hero is no better than an ordinary man, but he is braver five minutes longer”. -Ralph Waldo Emerson

WOW! Elementary heroes surpassed all expectations with their first presidential campaigns and debates. While we are all on our own Hero’s Journey, this session for elementary meant stepping out of their comfort zone, building ideas that may have differed from the adults around them, and being brave enough to live into their beliefs. They all showed up and delivered during our live Presidential Debate, showing the heroes they truly are.

This quest bled over into our daily studio activities and required all of the learners to strap on their capes and dive into their journey. We have been doing weekly check-ins where heroes have the opportunity to see where they are, and set goals to plan how to get on track, stay on track, or get ahead. This allows them to take full ownership of their badge plans, as well as allowing moments to hold up a mirror to see why they may not have accomplished the goals they set, and what they can do moving forward.

Being a hero requires strength, courage, and the ability to speak up. Our elementary heroes are learning these difficult principles and how to apply them. I am so excited about the future leaders we are growing at The Forest School!

middle school studio

Is a politician made or born? Does someone choose to seek political power, or are they called into leadership by others? What is the most compelling vision for the future of our country?

Learners spent the last four weeks in a sort of "political campaign bootcamp." They wrote press releases and legislative bills, created websites and campaign videos, and participated in a mock presidential debate. They thought deeply about some of the most complex issues facing our country and envisioned a path forward.

The first American public schools (or "common schools") were created to be places that trained the next generation in democratic engagement. What would society look like today if we took this call — to bring up learners to be critically conscious members of society — seriously? We're thankful for this experiment in leadership and politics, believing that the future of our nation will be brighter because of the practice our learners are getting in how to live together.

high school studio

"Positive action combined with positive thinking results in success."  -Shiv Khera

When asked what success looks like for each group tonight, heroes stated that it was working together as a team for one common goal. To win the presidency. In an astounding 4 week session, heroes climbed the mountain of politics, shuffled through supreme court topics, took a deep dive into how the electoral college works, and practiced as they prepare for their presidential debates. This was a session full of intense debate, challenging one another, and overall camaraderie.

On the studio side, high school heroes solidified standards for their excellence committee; defining excusable vs inexcusable work. As a studio, they outlined who is behind, on track, or ahead and worked together to organize google drives to ensure that everyone is able to work towards being on track. In addition, heroes took their first lunge at researching college and gap year requirements. Two sessions in the bag. We look forward to what the next session has in store.

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Tyler Thigpen