Preparing For A Great Debate!—Year 3, Week 8


If you were running for President of the United States what would your policies be? What would you change in our country? What would you fight for?

spark studio

The Spark Studio is on the campaign trail. We have Team Peyton, Team Harper, Team Ora, and Team Devin. The children have been debating, writing speeches, creating team signs, making team videos, and learning about voting. It’s getting super exciting around here and we are looking forward to the Exhibition.

Voting is something that has been an ongoing discussion in the Studio. Heroes have been wanting a class pet, but couldn’t decide between a fish, a hamster, or a rabbit. We had a vote where we created a ballot, a ballot box, voting booths, and “I Voted” stickers. The Rabbit won the vote!!! The learners then wrote a letter to the Head of School, Tyler, for approval to have a class pet. They were excited to learn that the answer was YES!!! Harry Potter Hopper Dipper will arrive on Monday.

elementary studio

A hero is somebody who voluntarily walks into the unknown.”  - Tom Hanks

Every learner at the Forest School is on their very own Hero’s Journey, and one of the biggest challenges faced on that journey is stepping into the unknown. This week heroes began to dissect policies that we face in our nation. They researched what those policies mean, discussed how they affect us, and began to develop their own views surrounding those policies.

It has been interesting watching heroes come in with one view, research and discuss, then do a complete 180 on their viewpoint or dig their heels in further. As young people we often walk through the world with the views of the adults around us. This session heroes are learning to develop their own views and opinions and how to defend those points when those closest to them disagree.

Heroes shared those views and tried to convince their peers to vote for them through entertaining campaign commercials. Take time to talk to your heroes about their videos and the policies near and dear to them. We are looking forward to a great Exhibition Debate to see how our learners plan on leading us into the future!

middle school studio

What does a truly self-governing Studio really look like?

This week, learners reflected on how much ownership they have (or haven't) taken of the Studio. Day after day, the space remained messy. Learners weren't consistently holding each other accountable to do the nitty gritty work of sweeping, vacuuming, and taking out the trash. Also distractions abounded during work times, making it difficult for many learners to get into flow. Noticing this, leaders began to emerge. They created a new job system for Studio Maintenance. They reaffirmed their Contract of Promises to each other. They took ownership of their own spaces within the Studio, creating places of quiet and focus. They stepped up their game in holding other learners accountable.

This all happened without threats or coercions from adults. It's a result of Middle School heroes truly believing this space is theirs to govern. This is the heart of The Forest School — having the patience to trust heroes with their own learning.

high school studio

There is no illusion greater than fear”. -Lao Tzu

To be the first to step up and try something new takes courage and the will to overcome fear. This week, high school hero Alona took on the first mock practical. She modeled the process for others and is preparing to tackle mastery credits this year and next.

Heroes worked tremendously hard this week to educate themselves on what it means to become an informed voter. They broke down what the electoral college is and how a president is elected. Their findings truly changed their perspectives. Storytelling is one of the most significant components of The Forest School. This week, heroes completed a new version of storytelling where they dissected two political poems turned personal. They were able to identify their own personal and political ambitions. Heroes also ran through their first new haven- practice debate. Through this, each group built upon their strengths and areas for growth as they move towards exhibition. The week ended with a debate showdown between Middle and High School. Next week, heroes will finally demonstrate their persuasion and debate skills they have been building throughout the session, all to see who will walk away with the Presidency.

Have a great weekend!

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Tyler Thigpen