Detective Science - Year 3, Week 19


Successful people are not gifted; they just work hard then succeed on purpose. - Anonymous

spark studio

Busy season is upon us!

Our Detective Science: Exploring The Human Body Quest is turning out to be quite fun and humorous. This week, we are learning about the brain/nervous system. We got to feel a “warm” brain (spaghetti noodles) during Art, and at PE we learned more about the brain and foods to eat that support it. The outlines of the learners’ bodies have been traced and we will continue to add the systems as our exploration moves onward. Last but not least, during our studies we have made a fun game by creating cards with verbs on them. Does this sound like fun to you? Give it a try!

We continually work on Grace and Courtesy and have dedicated every Tuesday afternoon to discover ways in which we can better serve each other as we grow into the next generation of leaders. We will practice what we have learned by celebrating at our first annual Valentine’s Tea that is scheduled for Friday, February 12th. Details will be forthcoming. Look for an email from our Head of School, Dr. Tyler Thigpen.

Each Thursday is spent on story writing. We have started the process by first understanding what makes up a story. We now know there must be a beginning, middle, and end. We look forward to reading the stories that the learners are diligently working on. We wonder, will they be fiction or nonfiction? This leads us back to a recent visit from a local author, Michael Albanese, that joined us to share his recently “published” book, Guardians of the Groceries. He has graciously provided each learner with a copy of his book. We are so thankful for the many opportunities of expertise we are provided. Enjoy the read!

elementary studio

This session marks the halfway point of our school year and heroes have been challenged to deeply analyze where they are on their badge plans and the impact they have on our studio. At the end of last session, we completed the Mid Action Review where they reflected on our first 4 sessions and will have the opportunity to share with parents over the weekend. During our weekly check-ins, we are looking deeply into each platform and determining what our goals should be based on the remaining days left in school.

The reflection that these heroes are doing at such a young age will carry them through life and help them to become great goal-setters in the future. This is a skill unmatched by any other. I live by the mantra “Do things completely and finish strong”. This could be as simple as cleaning up after yourself, or completing a big project with a team. Heroes that leave The Forest School are sure to become great teammates and leaders!

middle school studio

Learning to learn is a key part of the work of heroes at The Forest School. Research has shown that it's possible to cultivate a desire to learn; it's not a fixed trait. Learners can actually change their minds about their self-efficacy (what they think they are capable of) and expected outcomes (what they think will happen if they do or don't do something) over time. What's really cool about this learning environment is being able to watch this change happen in real time, right in the Studio.

This is the time of year where the rubber tends to meet the road. Learners that have struggled to set and maintain goals for the first half of the school year find themselves behind on their Badge Plan. The truth starts to sink in that, at this pace, they may not finish middle school on time. And so, the motivation to learn that had lain dormant for months finally emerges. Over the past week or so, four such learners (on their own, but certainly with parent/guide encouragement) drafted plans to catch up on work and finish their Badge Plans on time. Their plans may require work in the evenings or weekends, working through scheduled breaks in the school day, seating away from distracting peers, or any other number of strategies. Regardless, learners own their own plans. They set their goals and measure their pacing. As they start to feel the progress, their outlook begins to change. I can do this, they think. There's nothing holding me back.

And that's a small slice of how heroes at The Forest School are learning how to learn.

high school studio

When given opportunities to succeed heroes always step up. As the year continues, heroes are tackling practicals, launches, and dominating quest, Civ, and storytelling challenges.
This week, heroes continued to develop their graphic novels as they bring characters and scenarios to life. In addition, they heard from expert Laura who broke down the “how, why, and what” of how to conduct a proper proposal. After hearing and asking questions, heroes began developing their overall plan for the Fayetteville Golf Cart Path. To end the week, heroes discredited verbiage and language; how it had developed over time, why people say what they say, and what it means to be politically correct vs incorrect. As we look forward to next week, reminder Monday is Martin Luther King Day. School will not be in session.


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Tyler Thigpen