The Reimagining High School Quest, the Friendship Quest, and more


This week we launched three new Quests:

Reimagining High School Quest

Friendship Quest

Day in the Life Quest

Quests are real-world projects to master 21st-century skills. Usually lasting four- to six-weeks, each Quest includes a series of challenges bound by a compelling narrative and is designed to deliver 21st century skills while simultaneously incorporating traditional topics like science, social studies, and history.

We will host a public Exhibition for the high school and elementary Quests on Thursday, August 29, from 4:45-6:15pm at school. Middle School Exhibition will be Friday, August 30, from 8:30-9:30am at school.

Reimagining High School Quest

What if you could design your own school? That’s exactly what our high schoolers are doing. For this Quest, our high schoolers will play the role of school designers and architects of their future. How will they design a school that fits them, not the other way around? When all is said and done—What will it mean to be a high school hero at The Forest School? What is a Socratic launch and why do we do them? What are Core Skills and Deep Books and Badge Plans and more? At Exhibition, come and be a witness to what it means to be trend setters in changing the face of education!

Friendship Quest

How do you win friends and influence people? Middle School heroes will be doing a deep dive this session by building a friendship strategy - for this year, for middle school, and for life. They will be wrestling with three questions: How do I cultivate friendships with people similar to me? How do I build friendships with people that are different than me? How can I develop friendships with people in power? After creating their own friendship strategies, learners will host a Friendship Workshop at the school, providing guidance and resources to guests on how to build strong friendships and increase social capital.

Day in the Life Quest

What does it mean to be a Forest School Phoenix? How can they tell others about their call to adventure? Our elementary heroes will explore and display for others what it looks and feels like to attend the Forest School…especially the hero’s journey. They will visually represent “A Day in the Life” of a hero by creating a short film that focuses on one of five unique learning experiences—Socratic discussions, Core Skills, Running Partners, Contracts, and Studio Maintenance—all which mesh to create a healthy, productive, and engaging(!) Studio. By exploring these topics, heroes will gain valuable insight into their own hero’s journey and present a prop that represents their individual Call to Adventure. Visitors to the elementary Exhibition can expect to understand how learning happens at the school, their own child’s hero’s journeys, and the hero’s journey of my children’s studiomates.

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Tyler Thigpen