Building Blocks: Year Two Week Two in Review


Building a Tribe, The Laboratory, & Long Term Plans

Learners & Guides are working hard to building the infrastructure of their studios!

Read below for updates from each of our three Studios.

High School Update

Building blocks

"The true fundamental building blocks of the universe are not particles, but moments in time." -Khalid Masood

The building of any structure requires supplies, time, and people of influence to do so. In our second week, heroes and parents began to build out their badge plans; thus creating a plan that best fits them. Heroes built long term goals and their plans to achieve them and plans for their Exhibition, while still hammering out "Core Skills" such as world language, math, and history.

Heroes also jumped into their first self-selected Civilization discussion about abortion. Within this conversation learners took a stance for what they believed in, truly honored one another, and were open to others' perspectives. By doing so, learners are building strong character and learning early how to live together no matter their differences.

Rome wasn’t built in a day. This session heroes built moments and experiences that will last a lifetime.

Middle School Update

Welcome to The Laboratory!

Over the next month, learners in the middle school will agree on a basic contract that lays out the rules of the Studio and the government systems in place to uphold and protect the rules.

But to get there takes trial, error, and lots of experimentation. That is where The Lab comes in.

Each Monday, we will agree on a basic set of rules for the week. We will also try our hand in different forms of governance and accountability. The goal is to see what works (or more importantly what doesn't work!) and to iterate and improve. Also, The Lab gives each learner a voice in the experimentation process (heroes are invited to give feedback and propose changes via anonymous comments, small group discussion, and whole group debate). In this way, early on in our journey together, we are able to give form and structure to the kind of school we aspire to be—and the heroes are leading every step of the way.

Elementary Update

"Coming together is the beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success". -Henry Ford

As week two closes, our Elementary heroes are still building their tribe. One of the most important aspects of being a Forest School hero is learning to live together. We have begun the process of creating our Studio Contract by studying world class examples of contracts (e.g., last year's Contract, the Constitution, and others) and by holding our first ever Town Hall meeting.

Our heroes are jumping in head first to address issues, debate solutions, and grapple with the best way to work through them. Heroes are emerging as leaders and thought provokers, deep thinkers, and peace keepers. As a Studio we have come together and are now entering the "Staying Together” phase. Oh what a joy it will be to celebrate “Working Together."

As our Elementary motto cries, “Those who stay will be Heroes!

Enjoy your weekend!


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Tyler Thigpen