Technology Agreement
Spark and Elementary Studios
At The Forest School we believe in digital citizenship and the use of technology to enhance learning and to support the work environment. Technology includes Chromebooks, cell phones, the internet, desktop computers, cameras, laptops, iPads/tablets, or other electronic devices.
In the Spark or Elementary Studio, I will be learning:
That it is important to keep my personal information to myself when I use technology.
That it is important to be nice to others when on the internet.
That it is important to use technology at school for learning.
That it is important to use the computer or other technology in the way my Guide has demonstrated.
That I know that I can talk with my Guide or an adult if:
I need help.
I am not sure what websites I can look at while at school.
If I see pictures or words on websites that seem hurtful to others.
Someone writes something that makes me feel uncomfortable.
Regarding Chromebooks, which are school property…
I know that it is a privilege, not a right to have access to school property. I understand that this privilege can be taken away if I misuse the privilege.
I will not attempt to bypass security blocks or assist others in doing so and violating this policy may result in losing the privilege of using a school Chromebook.
I understand that it is against school policy to use another learner’s Chromebook or charger.