PE Olympics

It’s time to Start Stretching! Starting the first week of June, Coach Lou will be holding PE Olympics for the learners. We’ve got a school full of future Olympians among us!

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Tyler Thigpen
Artists are everywhere

Sometimes learners think, especially as they get older, that artists are limited to individuals who are skilled with a pencil or a brush. One of the ideas we are trying to help all the heroes understand, is that artists are everywhere…

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Tyler Thigpen
Welcoming Mary Faith Laughlin as our next Apprentice and Art Guide!

We are thrilled to announce that Mary Faith Laughlin will be Apprentice and Art Guide at The Forest School for the 2019-2020 school year! As Apprentice and Art Guide, Mary Faith will play a crucial role in all three—elementary, middle, and high—Studios, guiding learners, leading Socratic discussions, designing Quests, establishing community partnerships, and more. 

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Tyler Thigpen
We need your help—you can create scholarship funds for free!

There is an innovative Georgia tax credit program we want to take full advantage of: you can redirect your 2019 tax dollars to The Forest School. This is a fantastic opportunity because it costs you nothing, will likely reduce your federal tax burden, and will significantly help us provide scholarships to our heroes and in doing so improve the overall financial health of the school.

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Tyler Thigpen
Introducing the Medical Quest

This session our middle school heroes (our term for students) are doing a deep dive into human biology, exploring the functions of body systems and researching diseases and medical conditions. There are three main projects they will complete over the next five weeks:

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Tyler Thigpen
Week 27 in Review: When should you quit versus push through?

Anything new you begin to tinker with starts out as fun. The initial exploration and discovery—coupled with a few quick “wins”—piques interest and keeps you coming back for more. But, all new things, regardless of how fun they may be, eventually become challenging. It’s then that a choice should be made...a metaphorical fork in the road. Do you choose to quit and find a new, interesting thing…

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Tyler Thigpen