What Does Unity Mean To You? - Year 3, Week 21


This week our Learners explored emotions and how they impact us as we endeavor to grow, while our Elementary School Heroes were tasked with asking themselves some hard questions.

spark studio

As we continue our journey building upon the many discoveries of the human body, we have realized how emotions play an integral part of who we are becoming. The who, what, where, why, and how are the force of our discussions. Where do we go from here? We are not quite sure but we do have a plan and it begins with Unity! What does Unity mean to you? Do you think music plays a part in how you feel? We are in the midst of learning and creating something spectacular so be sure to stay tuned because what the World needs is Unity! Peace education is where it’s at! Can we all Unite? Can we get an Amen?

elementary studio

How do you define success? The dictionary defines it as the accomplishment of an aim or a purpose. At the Forest School we view success as each hero finding their calling to change the world. When we look at success in the Elementary Studio, we often think of it as finishing a milestone or badge. It could even look like helping to resolve a conflict between friends, or creating a new system that you see was not working.

We want all of our learners to build a system of internal validation and intrinsic motivation. We do this by asking questions, having them think deeply about their work, and reflecting on what they have learned. Instead of giving praise or criticism we ask questions like:

  • What do YOU think you did well?

  • What do you think you could have done better on?

  • How did you feel when you were making this?

  • How does your work make you feel?

When we ask heroes for their own assessment instead of offering our opinion, we’re giving the opportunity to self-reflect and self-evaluate. This helps them develop internal validation, and hear the important voice we all need to listen to and nourish.

Here’s to learning what success really looks like at an early age!

middle school studio

This week marks the halfway point in our school year.

We talked a lot in the Middle School this week about halftime adjustments. Oftentimes what truly defines a great team (and a great coach) is how they pivot toward the second half. What's been working so far that we need to keep doing? What areas of our plan do we need to rework entirely? How do we maintain our momentum, or get it back if we lost it?

This metaphor works well in a self-directed learning environment, where learners are already gauging their progress, their eyes set on the milestones before them. To keep this front and center, we've been publicly celebrating learners who have been successful in making their own halftime adjustments and we've brainstormed as a group what changes we need to make to keep the Studio an awesome place.

So, here's to the second half and the journey still before us.

high school studio

If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door. - Milton Berle

Exactly 128 days left until June 3. The school year has just met its halfway point and session 5 is nearing an end. Flow within the high school studio has been contagious. Heroes remain focused during core skills and are continuing to dig deep into the current architectural quest. This week, heroes built 2D and 3D replicas of the Fayetteville city path, as well as continued to develop their pitch for exhibition. They solidified the graphic novels and on Thursday wrestled with the issue of Palestine versus Israel historical conflict. In addition, heroes have taken over 95% of launches conducted in the studio as they work toward completing their servant leader badge. Turning the high school into a truly learner lead environment. Who needs a teacher anyway?

Looking ahead to next session, we will begin with parent conferences and then in 6 weeks, heroes will set out to complete 4 apprenticeships. For the first and last weeks of the session we will synchronously in person. During the middle four weeks, heroes will complete apprenticeships off campus or join us on campus for asynchronous learning experiences. More details to follow. Thus far, heroes have solidified apprenticeships with the following locations:

The Forest School - Finance and fundraising
Mike Wolf - Investing and Stocks
Westside Cultural Foundation
Orthodontic Surgery
Building Generational Wealth
And many more to come!

As a school, we are continually appreciative for those who contribute to the learning of our heroes.

Banner image via

Tyler Thigpen