How Can We Be Good Citizens... Virtually? - Year 3, Week 26


This week, our Elementary Heroes learn about what it is to be a good digital citizen. Highschool continue their apprenticeships and our Spark learners continue their adventures into different cultures and arts!

spark studio

Our art journey has been quite fantastic thus far. We traveled to Australia learning interesting ways in which our cultures are different. Miss Rebecca joined us as an expert from Australia. An interesting fact she shared is that Australia has a lot of birds because there are no natural predators so they stay safe.

What young learners need in order to develop a sense of self-expression is the chance to make their own decisions in their artwork. We do not want the children to rely on the adults for approval. We want them to trust their judgment and play around with different outcomes, take risks, and make mistakes. Sharing the creative process with one another can bring about a sense of accomplishment, joy, and even inspiration.

We don't make mistakes, just happy little accidents. - Bob Ross

elementary studio

You probably have heard that it is important to be a good citizen. Since technology is everywhere, we live in what can be considered a digital society. This week elementary heroes learned what digital citizenship means, how technology can connect you with other people, and ways that you can use technology responsibly.

So what would it mean to be a good digital citizen? Let's look at these words more closely. The word digital refers to any type of technology that you use. If you are a citizen, this means you belong to a group of people. Being a digital citizen means you are a part of the group of people that use technology to communicate. There are rules that you need to follow when you are a digital citizen, to protect yourself and to protect others.

At The Forest School, technology is a huge part of our learning environment and our heroes have to grapple with online distractions and stay in the state of FLOW. This session, heroes are able to see how programmers try to bake safety into their technology while it is being designed. One of the best ways you can be a good digital citizen is to talk with your family about what you are allowed to do with your technology and what is off limits. A great way for families to carry this conversation home, is to make a list of online rules for your home together!

middle school studio

What are the characteristics of a self-directed learner? This week, MS learners identified the following:

  • Drive - possessing an internal desire to learn something or accomplish a task

  • Motivation - external forces that promote learning (like finishing Middle School on time)

  • Initiative - taking the first step in accomplishing a task

  • Persistence - ability to keep going when you're stuck and stumped

  • Open-mindedness - being open to other possibilities, ideas, and solutions

  • Self-discipline - the ability to hold yourself accountable

  • Goal oriented - the ability to set and maintain academic goals

Interestingly, these observations are backed up by research in the field of self-directed learning. Researchers have also found that these characteristics are learnable. Over time, a person can grow in their ability to direct their own learning. As we talked about these traits in the Studio, one learner said, "I can see those things in the people who are ahead on their Badge Plan, and I see people that are a little behind growing in those skills." That's the sort of environment we are working with learners to build: a place where all learners are growing increasingly self-directed.

high school studio

Feedback is a gift. Ideas are the currency of our next success. Let people see you value both feedback and ideas. – Jim Trinka and Les Wallace

This week in the high school studio, we had the opportunity to meet with one of the founders and the owners of Acton Academy, Jeff Sandefer. During that time, we were able to get and give feedback about the overall process of Acton, as well as hear about new and upcoming things within the network.

Week three of the Apprenticeship Quest has come to an end and heroes continue to grind as they complete the remainder of their apprenticeships. This week heroes completed the following: Ace Hardware of California, The Forest School, Trilith, Therapist, and Nutrition.
Looking forward to next week, heroes have two weeks remaining until they return back for the final week of school.


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Tyler Thigpen