Introducing the Theater Quest!


For Session 6, we are thrilled to bring the theater to you!

The whole school—grades 1 through 12—will take on The Theater Quest from February 24 through April 3, 2020.

Quests are real-world projects to master 21st-century skills. Usually lasting four- to six-weeks, each Quest includes a series of challenges bound by a compelling narrative and is designed to deliver 21st century skills while simultaneously incorporating traditional topics like science, social studies, and history.

All Studios

Session 6 at the Forest School will engage elementary, middle, and high school learners in a theater production experience. Learners will work together to problem solve towards the ultimate goal of producing and performing live, outdoor theater. They will be asked to work and communicate in order to brainstorm creative planning, directing, marketing, and performing.

This Quest will ask learners to connect with others in a vulnerable and unique manner in order to achieve flow, empathy, tolerance, and cultural literacy. The final live performance will take place outdoors and integrate the exhibition experience with nature. The Theater Quest is an invitation for learners to take risks and expose themselves to something new, while collaborating to comprehensively create a final project.

This six week quest will have four different potential tracks for learners:





*** It is important to note that some learners will have more roles than just one track. For example, an actor may also have backstage duties. ***

Leadership: This track will include an Assistant Director chosen from high school or middle school learners, and a Stage Manager (nominated by a guide, expert, or parent) who assists with running rehearsals and managing backstage activity during the performance. These positions will work closely with the Director and have input on the overall creative vision for the show as well as actively participating in the rehearsal process and performance.

Actors: These students will undergo the same process as a professional actor including interpreting the casting call, forming an audition, preparing and participating in rehearsal, working alongside other actors, being open to the creative process.

Backstage: These learners will undertake the technical and backstage aspects of the production. They will identify and fulfill technical needs for the show including set construction, costume, prop, sound, and lighting design. This track also includes backstage needs such as assistant stage managers, costume quick changers, and run crew. These students will work in tandem with the Assistant Director to work towards an overall creative vision for the show.

Business: These students will act as producers of the show. They will be in charge of managing and distributing the budget under the guides advice and mentorship. They will also be responsible for marketing the show to the community and exploring the business side of theater on a larger scale.

The Forest School is very excited about the learners engaging in creating a short, straight play in the beautiful Pinewood Community!

Assistant Director Call

The Forest School Theater Quest is looking for a learner in high or middle school to help the Director in researching the play, forming the casting call, holding auditions, casting, blocking and staging, as well as making creative decisions in the show including costuming, prop, set, lighting, and sound design. The assistant director should be prepared to work on the show outside of allotted school time in order to have fully-formed and productive input in rehearsals and meetings. 

If you would like to apply for the Assistant Director please send an email to Madeline Sain at stating your name, age, grade level. Please also include any previous theater experience you might have, or a resume if applicable. Previous experience, however, is not needed to apply. Tell me in your own words why you are interested in being the Assistant Director for the show. Talk about what type of art inspires you or what pop culture you enjoy in your day to day life. How would you view working with your peers on this project? 

All applications for Assistant Director will be due by December 20, 2020.

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Tyler Thigpen