Week 23 in Review: Hard work, Dedication, Focus


Exhibition feedback & world class storytelling!

Middle School Update

The Middle School Apprenticeship Quest is next session! If you are an employer and are willing to be interviewed please let us know. 

Today Middle School Heroes wrapped up a six week long exploration of the health care crisis in rural Georgia. Their research was organized and produced in individual podcasts. You can access all of our heroes' podcasts here.

As part of our Public Exhibition for this project, learners fielded questions in a small panel Q&A format. You can watch a stream of the Exhibition on our Facebook page here.

Tackling an issue like health care is messy and complex. Creating a podcast for the first time is overwhelming. Sharing your work with the world is stressful. We can't say enough how proud we are of the hard work that our Heroes displayed throughout this Quest! The future of healthcare in rural Georgia is better because of them.

Elementary Update

According to Fernando Bryant (Amber's husband), former NFL player for the Detroit Lions, Jacksonville Jaguars, and Pittsburgh Steelers, there are three things it takes to get to the finish line when it really counts—hard work, dedication, and focus. This week via video interview Fernando described the weeks leading up to the Super Bowl. The team pushed away all distractions, even limiting time with family and friends to maintain the extreme level of focus required to bring home the Vince Lombardi Trophy. They dedicated themselves to their team first, themselves second. A win was a win for all, but so was a loss. Dedication and focus would be wasted without actual hard work. Hours on the field. Hours in the gym. Every practice counted. Every play mattered. There’s no time to waste when you are looking your greatest goal right in the eye.

Many heroes set ambitious and bold goals this session. As the minutes ticked by signaling the end of Session 4, most learners lived Fernando’s advice in real time. For the few heroes who fell prey to distractions and waning motivation this session, you’re still in the game! The cycle of Dedication + Focus + Hard Work lives on, and Session 5 awaits you, your goals, and your victory.

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Tyler Thigpen