What is the Journey of A Hero? Year Three: Week Two in Review


This week, heroes have been working on building their tribes and working on studio processes!

spark studio

The Spark Studio has been enjoying the Build the Tribe Quest wherein we are playing and creating team building games. We are excited to say that we all know each other’s names! As we continue to Build the Tribe we will be creating a Contract of Promises to one another to create a peaceful studio.

 We have been focusing on Montessori works this week. In math, we are learning the concepts of numeration, the decimal system, computation, the arithmetic tables, whole numbers, fractions, positive numbers, and the square (area) and cube (volume) of numbers. In language, we are using various materials to explore letters, sounds, words with friends, spelling and handwriting. Writing is a hands-on process and the children are exploring several materials such as, tracing and labeling shapes, puzzle maps, animal and botany puzzles all whilst creating beautiful artwork. This process strengthens the pincer grasp as the children prepare for deeper writing challenges. In PE, the children enjoyed learning about the deltoid muscle as well as exercising through an obstacle course. Art was quite exciting as they were able to visit the screening room for a fun “no-laughing” challenge as well as learning about Pop Art.

Sewing has taken on a life of its own. The children are having fun creating stuffed animals and boho bags. They even finger knitted some jewelry and straps for their boho bags.

We are always excited to spend time with our virtual learners through Zoom. The Spark team has been collaborating to create a dynamic experience so that we all stay connected and get to know each other and build friendships in-person and virtually. Thank you for your patience as we continue on this journey.

elementary studio

What is the Journey of a Hero?

As a child I remember my mom pulling out a map and highlighting our vacation route. As time marched on, MapQuest became the new, easier guidance that allowed us to plug in a destination and print the directions out. Now we all have smart phones with built in navigation that allows us to get from point A to B with just a couple clicks of a button. During week 2 of our first session, elementary heroes are grappling with how they will navigate their own Hero’s Journey.

We are building our studio tribe and governance by creating a new contract, introducing rules of engagement, and discussing our systems and protocols. Heroes are learning time management skills and their importance, as well as how to navigate their badge plans. We participated in group check-ins by level to learn about the requirements for badge completion and the options they have once completed. Just as we have navigation in our back pockets, the heroes have a plan to guide them through to the next level. Ready, Set, Go!

middle school studio

This week in the Middle School Studio, we launched our Purpose Quest - a deep dive into our own, individual identities, passions, skills, and dreams. Over the next few weeks, learners will craft their own unique purpose statements, begin building their networks of people who can help them actualize their purpose, and showcase their ability to connect with and encourage their fellow studiomates. This quest is a combination of learning the skills of introspection (Who am I?), connection (Who are my Studiomates?), and networking (Who do I know that can help me achieve my purpose?).

We also launched into our Storytelling workshop. "Storytelling" for us encompasses much more than traditional language arts curriculum. Learners are exploring their identity by creating their own "User Manuals" and Hero's Journey essays. Next week, they will collaborate on researching and producing a series of "TED talk" style videos around themes of identity, purpose, connection, and networking.

Learners also are hard at work creating a culture of belonging. We've worked on a round of revisions on our Studio Contract and systems of government and will continue to collaborate on these decisions for the next few weeks as we seek to build a Studio that proudly bears everyone's fingerprints.

high school studio

Year 2 week 2 in the record books!

“Learning is creation, not consumption. Knowledge is in something a learner absorbs, but something a learner creates”.  - George Couros

Imagine a world in which school is what you make it. You create the rules, you decide what flow and hard work looks like for you. One where you don't have a teacher, but better yet someone that helps guide you towards achieving your goals. High school heroes are beginning to settle into their studio, creating rules and making this school an actual school that fits them. What an amazing sight!

The week began with an architecture photo shoot, which ended in everyone getting caught in the rain and capturing amazing photos! This week alone heroes have completed a total of 6,103 minutes in Khan Academy, completed their first Civilization tackling the controversial topic of Racism, continued building and creating their studio contract, alongside solidifying studio processes. To say it's been a full week is an understatement! Over the next few weeks we look forward to welcoming 3 experts who will examine and give feedback on their short films and photos. You are in for a treat!


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Tyler Thigpen